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What to Do about Birds That Live in the House Ceiling

Many birds will take advantage of the opportunity to nest in a warmer, more comfortable, safe area like your house ceiling. If they find a way in, they’ll certainly take advantage.

These birds can be more than just a nuisance, however. Though they are gentle creatures by nature, they can still cause significant damage and pose risks to your health.

You may be seeing birds on your roof every day. Or, perhaps you’re hearing noises in your house ceiling during the day, particularly the sound of flapping and chirping. If so, the likelihood is high that you have birds living in your home.

If this is the case, keep reading to learn what to do about birds that live in the house ceiling.

Investigate Quickly

When you’ve noticed signs of wildlife in your home, it’s best to respond immediately. An important step is to investigate where the noises are coming from to determine the extent of the situation. From there, you can find out which animals have made your house their home, and then you can learn where they’re coming in.

A thorough inspection should cover every nook and cranny of your roof and ceiling, including your pipe covers, vents, the roof’s edge, ceiling cavities, and soffit intersections. These are common areas used by birds and other wildlife to get into your home.

Evict the Birds

A one-way door is the safest and most humane way to evict birds that live in the house ceiling. Take care, however, to ensure there are no eggs or baby birds left behind before you bring on a one-way door situation. They will need to be removed and reunited outdoors with their mothers.

Prevent Re-Entry

Simply scaring off the birds isn’t going to be enough to solve your problem. After you’ve evicted the birds and you’ve determined there aren’t any babies left behind, then it’s the ideal time to prevent future re-entry.

Seal up all holes leading to your house ceiling. Replace broken vent covers, repair your roof’s edge, and repair your soffits and any other damage to your roof and ceiling to ensure the birds won’t get back in.

Clean Up

Old nests left behind can pose a fire damage, particularly if they were built in your heating vents using flammable materials such as twigs, grass, and leaves. Find old nests and remove them.


Old nests are also excellent breeding grounds for insects. Birds can also spread ectoparasites such as mites and fleas. Equally dangerous is that their droppings can spread zoonotic diseases, too.

After the birds that live in the house ceiling have been evicted, you must take care to decontaminate the space in order to prevent the spread of diseases and bugs and eliminate the health hazards posed by pest birds

Taking Care of a Bird Problem Is a Difficult and Complex Job

As you can see, managing a bird problem in your house ceiling is a complex job that requires many steps, from inspection and prevention to repairs and decontamination. It’s also critical that each step be carefully managed to ensure it’s done right. Miss sealing up one hole in your roof, for example, and you will have yourself another bird problem soon enough. Do a poor job decontaminating and you won’t successfully eliminate all health and safety risks.

To ensure every step of the bird removal process is performed effectively, it’s best to leave it to the experts. A humane wildlife removal company that offers bird removal services will have technicians on staff who have the knowledge, expertise, and experience required to get the job done right the first time around. This will not only allow you to manage the problem more efficiently and effectively, but it will also guarantee the issue won’t reoccur in the near future.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!


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