

When racoons, squirrels and bats see us coming, they know they’re about to get an eviction notice.

For almost 15 years, we’ve been removing unwanted wildlife from people’s homes and last week “A Day On The Job” caught up with us and followed through the ins and outs of wildlife removal and animal control.

Every day presents a different scenario. On the day of the taping, we were called to a home to help set free a squirrel that has fallen into a chimney.

What usually happens in these cases is if you don’t have a cap on your chimney a squirrel could try to make a nest up there and like in this case, end up falling down. Depending on the kind of chimney you have, the squirrel may not be able to climb back up.

We get calls for squirrel removal all the time. In this case we had to get the squirrel under control by grabbing it from the bottom of the chimney and out to safety. We then sealed off the chimney to avoid any future intrusions.

All Wildlife Removal TruckSquirrels and racoons will chew right through roof vents, they’ll go through the plumbing mats, they’ll push up soffit panels.

So what we do is we go and secure these areas with screening and/or reinforcing the screws so then we can walk away and you’ll never have the problem again.

If you want to get the full effect of what we do on an average day on the job, watch the video below and remember, if you encounter wildlife anywhere within your home, make sure to stay safe and call the professionals.

Raccoon being humanely removed


Our technicians will inspect your roof, attic, insulation, walls, vents, chimney, soffits and roof soffit intersections (RSI) and all possible areas of vulnerability and give you a complete description of what is happening in your home/cottage or office.