Raccoon Removal Damage to Mississauga Roof


If you live in Mississauga and have a raccoon problem in your home, it’s important that you read this first before hiring a removal company.

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I can’t stress enough that after working in the wildlife removal industry for almost 20 years, how important it is to do your research when it comes to hiring someone to remove raccoons and other pests from your home.

If you don’t do your research, and if you select the first company that comes to your home and gives you a quote, there’s a high chance that you’re going to get duped for your money, put the value of your home at risk and most importantly, risking the safety of yourself and family.

Removing Raccoons And Preventing Future Entry

It’s true. For instance if raccoons end up harbouring in your attic for prolonged periods of time without notice, they can damage much of your attic and insulation, and although it’s rare, they can end up waddling into your living area. Raccoons may be an adorable looking animal but they still post a risk to humans and animals that come into contact with them.

Simply put, if the removal company you hire doesn’t know what they’re doing, you’ll probably be taken for a ride and need to get the job done again. We see this all the time.

The Removal Job That Went Wrong

In this video we were called out to Peel to help a homeowner determine why the raccoon had come back and re-entered her home. At first there were no visible signs as to how they had been able to get back in but when I got onto the roof and examined the work that was done by the previous company she hired, it became quite clear to me. Another removal job gone wrong. Watch the video for more details.

So to summarize what we encountered here: the previous removal company told the homeowner that they placed a two-way door on the roof of the home and that it was secured down. As you can see by the video this was not the case. Instead they placed a trap on the roof and to boot they didn’t secure it down. If a raccoon had actually entered the trap there was a high chance it would have wiggled around and eventually fallen off the roof, been severely injured or died.

The second problem we encountered was that they had wrapped screening around the roof vents, and didn’t tie them or the vents to the roof. When raccoons are trying to get into an attic through roof vents, they tend to rip the vents right off. So in this case, the screening actually did nothing beneficial to keep any animals out and as you can see, the vent wasn’t even firmly secured to the roof in the first place.

The third problem we encountered was the shady work that was done to the plumbing mat. Raccoons are prone to ripping them out of the roof at the seams and so it looks like this company decided they would bolt it down with screening. The problem is as you can see by the picture above, the didn’t add any caulking to the bolts, which can lead to a slew of damages due to water leaking in your attic.

Does Mississauga Have A Reliable Raccoon Removal Company

Yes! Our removal services extend throughout most of the Golden Horseshoe. But to mention again, the most important thing for a homeowner to do is to research various wildlife control companies in Peel before they make a decision as to who to hire and remember, in this day and age, you do get what you pay for. When it comes to your home and the safely of your family, there’s no use being frugal with your money but instead you should consider the job an investment in your home.

You can read about our full raccoon removal services here and don’t hesitate to give us a call for an inspection. You’ll be happy you did!

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!

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