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What Type of Animal is in my Attic?

It is not always evident at first glance what species you are dealing when you hear noises coming from above your head. But determining what type of animal is in your attic is easier than you may think. Even a cursory inspection of the outside of your building will rarely shed light on who the guilty parties are. A little more investigating is often necessary. To complicate matters, as you can see in the video below, often times once one animal has gained entry other species will follow:




If you discover evidence that animals have found their way into a structure on your property, it’s highly recommended you call a professional wildlife removal company to assess the situation and deal with it before irreparable damage is done.

While you are waiting for the pros to get there, here are a few signs to look out for that can help you determine exactly what species you are dealing with.


Raccoons are the largest of the urban pests you will encounter, therefore they are often times the easiest species to identify. Below are a few of the telltale signs you have a raccoon squatting in your attic:

  • Obvious damage to the exterior. Because of their size, strength and agility. Raccoons will often rip open an entry point on your roof, siding or soffits. These entry points are easy to identify and due to the size of the entry, you will know it’s a raccoon and not a smaller animal.
  • Loud stomping and thumping noises emanating from your attic. Again, due to their sheer size, raccoons are not exactly subtle about there presence in your home. If you hear loud noises.
  • Time of day you notice activity. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, therefore, they will leave their hiding places later in the evening returning before us humans get up and start our days.




Squirrels are the second loudest and largest critter we encounter in urban settings. Much like raccoons, squirrels will make their presence know more so than smaller pests. Here are a few signs:

  • Damage to the Building. Squirrels will chew through your roof board, roof and wall vents or any other vulnerable area they can get their teeth on. A typical chew out is about the size of a fist.
  • Squirrels have a very distinctive sound pattern. They will scurry around your attic at a faster pace than their counterparts. You will hear running around above your head, as well as chewing and scratching sounds.
  • Time of day. Squirrels are the most courteous of urban pests. They keep similar hours to us. Squirrels will leave in the morning and check back in during the early evening hours.



The signs mice have gained entry will be the hardest to identify due to the small size of these rodents. They need little to no room to gain entry. Fortunately, there are a few other distinctive signs that it is mice you are sheltering:

  • Scratching noises. The most common sound associated with mice presence is a scratching sound. Typically this is heard late at night. During the day they make themselves scarce so as to not be detected.
  • Droppings. Another common indication that you are hosting a mouse population in your home is feces. This is typically found in your kitchen or basement. You may need to move an appliance or look under a few things. But if you have mice, you find droppings.
  • Evidence in your attic. Mice will hang out in your attic, it’s out of the way, there is insulation and from there they can access any part of your house to forage for food. Typical signs are tunneling in tour insulation and evidence of urine and feces.




Bats won’t damage your home in an attempt to enter. They will use a pre-existing opening to get in. The biggest concern with the presence of bats is the toxicity of their droppings. Bat guano needs to be removed as quickly as it’s discovered. Here’s what to look for if you suspect you have bats in your house:

  • Accumulation of guano. Bats will use the same few entry points to come and go on a daily basis. Fortunately for us, they often relieve themselves as they enter and leave your comfy home. Which results in a noticeable accumulation of droppings. Typically on the ground or on the walls near the entry area.
  • Getting into your living space. Because bats are so quiet, the only other telltale sign you have a bat colony in your home is finding one flying around terrorizing your family. Bat colonies are rather populous, often numbering in the hundreds. It boils down to a numbers game, eventually, one of them will take a wrong turn and end up flying around your living room.


Parting Thoughts

Regardless of what species are occupying your walls, attic, garage or basement; it is advisable to contact your local wildlife removal expert to humanely, safely and efficiently deal with the issue before the problem gets out of control. It’s tempting to save a few dollars and attempt to resolve the issue yourselves. However, it is not a simple process permanently and successfully evicting a wild animal. Your home is a large investment so why risk significant damage to it.

Urban pests are highly motivated and much more clever than we often give them credit for. Once they have chosen your place, they will stop at nothing to try and get in.

Contact a professional wildlife removal company and resolve the issue before its too late.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!



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