No home should be left to the devices of a squirrel on the loose. One rogue squirrel trapped in the home can cause serious damage, and squirrels nesting in the home can result in a host of unexpected and unwanted messes. 

Squirrel removal is simple and easy to handle—if handled by the experts, that is. When you rely on traps or poisons that you can set up yourself, not only are you resorting to needlessly cruel methods of wildlife control, you are also failing to address the issue of how the squirrels got into your home in the first place. By avoiding to hire the experts, you could end up hurting the squirrels around your home, leaving a litter of babies abandoned, and overall causing a bigger mess than you hadin the beginning. Here’s what can happen if you don’t hire the squirrel removal experts.

Squirrel Habits

Squirrels are nesting creatures that like to take refuge and build their homes wherever there may be enough room so long as it’s warm and safe from predators. While squirrels like to find warm places to nest for the winter, they don’t hibernate, which means squirrel removal can happen year round. 

Without adequately securing your home’s potential entryways, your house can easily become home to some unwanted furry guests. Squirrels give birth to at least two litters per year, one in the spring and one in the fall. As a result, not hiring squirrel removal experts means that an undetected squirrel problem can just keep getting bigger and bigger the longer it goes unaddressed. 

Like all cases of wildlife in the home, just because you don’t spot the signs doesnot mean there is no issue: some animals are more quiet than others, meaning squirrels could be living behind your walls without you knowing it.

Signs of Squirrels in the Home

Luckily there are many signs you need squirrel removal services that you can spot before the squirrel problem gets out of hand. Aggressive squirrel behaviour around your home can point to a territorial issue, so if you spot fighting squirrels you could have a problem on your hands. Another sign of squirrels in the home comes down to noise: if you hear unusual scratching or scurrying noises in the vents or walls, you could be dealing with squirrels.

Damage and Other Risks

If you leave a squirrel issue unattended, you could end up with a whole host of messes on your hands. Squirrels will rummage through garbage bins and dumpsters, leaving trash scattered around your yard. When squirrels attempt to enter a home, they can cause damage to the inside of your home if they feel trapped, running loose and causing chaos. 

Squirrels that make their ways into the walls to nest can chew through electrical wiring and leave their droppings all over the place. As a result, you’ll be left with a big mess on your hands, a bill for repair, and potential health risks from the mess left behind by the squirrels.

Hire Squirrel Removal Experts

Sadly, squirrel extermination remains legal in Canada, but this method of animal removal is not only inhumane, it simply doesn’t offer a fully comprehensive solution to squirrel problem in the home. 

Humane squirrel removal experts will give you long-term results: the process is focused on identification of the issue, thorough and humane eviction, and decontamination. Your home will be free of squirrels as well as the long-term effects of squirrels in the home such as unpleasant odours and dangerous bacteria. What’s more, the experts will make sure that the holes and entry points that let in the squirrels will be closed off for good.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!

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