You’ve found wild animals on your property. From foxes and skunks, to raccoons and squirrels, these critters can’t stay, but you need a safe and sound way to evict your new tenants.

There are many different options you have as a homeowner to get rid of wild animals, but you want to be sure you do it without injuring yourself or the animal. If you’re considering trapping and relocating animals on your property, here’s what you need to know first.

What Trapping and Relocating Requires

Trapping and relocating should be the last option to remove wild animals from your property, as it presents a number of problems for both the animal and the trapper. When considering a trap and relocation solution, you need to consider practical solutions to remove the targeted problem, if the timing is appropriate, and if this is an emergency situation.

An animal walking through your backyard for example, doesn’t require trapping services. If the animal has young, you risk separating the two. When that happens, the young could end up starving to death, or the mother could come back and cause property damage while searching for her babies. You should also avoid trapping when the weather is bad. The stress of moving an animal to unfamiliar territory in poor conditions lessens its chance of survival.

Homeowners can purchase live trap cages almost anywhere, from hardware stores to online sites. While these cages come in a variety of sizes, it doesn’t mean live trapping is still a good method for wildlife eviction.

Is It Effective?

Unfortunately, trapping is not effective. Trapping and relocating wild animals has several prerequisites to be successful. Doing it yourself is incredibly problematic, as most homeowners aren’t fully aware of what’s involved to trap the animal and don’t understand the effects that relocation can have on them.

Trapping and relocating animals on your own is a temporary solution (at best) that rarely ends well for wildlife or the homeowner. You need a plan with options in case you don’t catch the animal successfully, and you need to have already determined the best place to locate the animal that’s also safe. You have to monitor the trap and then eventually remove the animal from it. It’s hard to guarantee all of this will go smoothly unless you do this for a living.

Trying to remove an animal yourself could end badly. Negative impacts include a low mortality rates caused by the stress and trauma associated with capture, the possibility of the animal’s unique homing instinct kicking in after relocation—sending them right back to your neighbourhood, and disorientation from moving the animal to a new habitat. Relocating animals to new environments also puts them in danger and could result in territorial problems with other wildlife.

Call the Professionals

To effectively relocate animals found on your property, call wildlife removal services. These professionals have the experience, training, and knowledge to remove animals safely and permanently. They use humane methods, such as one-way doors, and they’ll prevent future reentry by inspecting your home and sealing any and all problem areas.

If you do something wrong in the trapping process, you could be charged. Ontario has many laws related to trapping, and it’s not worth the risk or headache. Letting professional services handle the problem is your best bet. They know where to relocate animals, can keep families together, and they’ll put effective measures in place so your property stays clear of wildlife.

It can be tempting to deal with the problem yourself, but without the right tools and expertise, it may not be the most effective solution. Let animal removal services take care of it for you with the right measures in place.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!

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