Categories: All WildLife Blog

Should You Buy And Use Squirrel Traps For Animal Control?

On the surface it would seem like a good idea to buy and use squirrel traps, but you’re about to find out why using traps to control animal problems only solve a fraction of your wildlife intrusion issues. Traps can indeed do the job of catching squirrels and other various wild animals that have harbored in your attic, however the problem is that traps in no way prevent any wildlife from getting back into your home once they have been release back into the wild.

Inspections and prevention methods

Although we’ve mentioned the importance of thorough inspections and the effectiveness of complete, all-around animal entry prevention, many home owners are under the impression that simply catching squirrels and wildlife with caged-traps will do the trick.

Being called out for squirrel removal jobs in the Toronto area (and the GTA) for well over ten years now, we have come across many home owners who wonder why squirrels continue getting back into their homes or attic once they’ve been trapped and released.

We understand this can be quite frustrating, and most people do not want to actually kill the little furry intruders, but simply patching up a hole almost anywhere in your home is not going to solve the problem. They’ll most likely get back in because for the most part, wild animals can chew through most substances that are blocking them, and will usually create more than one entry point. That’s where we come in.

If you’ve been lucky enough to trap a wild animal that’s harboured in your attic or the walls of your home, professional wildlife control come is the only way of ensuring all entry points are discovered and sealed off.

This involves inspecting not only all obvious entry points (there may be quite a few that you haven’t noticed) and closing them off so future intrusions cannot and will not happen. For prevention for instance, our team, uses specialized equipment that squirrels, raccoons, mice and rats simply cannot chew through.

Our equipment is also built in such a way as to allow wild animals to exit the premises but doesn’t allow them to return. For the most part it seems pretty cut and dry and technically it is, however but when it comes to prevention, it’s much more effective than simply trapping and letting them go.

Then there’s the case of squirrel and raccoon babies

Then there is the other problem related to do-it-yourself jobs and that’s the potential for locking out mothers from their babies.

Most home-made prevention methods will not work about 99% of the time, and in the case that you’ve locked out a mother from her babies, you are not only committing an inhumane act, but you’re causing your home to be susceptible to more damage. Don’t believe us?

Check out this article to see what happened to a home-owner’s roof when roofers accidentally locked out a mother raccoon from her babies. You’ll see that the roofers needed to come back the very next day and not only fix the damage, but re-repair the roof. The video will be posted below and note that this mother raccoon was only locked out for approximately two hours before she managed to destroy everything and get back in.

The bottom line is, in the case of babies, you can easily expect wildlife such as squirrels and raccoons to make every effort to get back into their den site if you’ve trapped and removed them yourself and in most cases they tend to succeed and do quite a bit of damage in the process.

Is it inhumane to buy and use traps?

Inherently traps are not inhumane however the end result could be detrimental to the animals involved as well as your home.

Candidly speaking, no one wants that kind of scenario so the best advice we can give you if you have issues controlling a squirrel problem is to forget the traps, visit this link for more information and to call the professionals.

Experts in this business will get the job done for you right, the first time.


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