Mice are intelligent, resourceful animals that have adapted to not only live but also thrive alongside humans. Our homes offer warmth, safety, and food to these little creatures. It’s no surprise, then, that homeowners often find themselves with mice in attic.

For most, this is a complete and utter nightmare. If you have mice in your attic, don’t panic. Don’t despair. Here’s what you need to do.

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Act Immediately

Mice can cause significant structural damage, cause health risks, and make a mess of your attic. They also breed very quickly. If you have so much as an inkling that you may have mice in attic, it’s important not to delay on taking action. Call a wildlife removal company immediately.

The longer you wait, the more damage will be caused, the bigger the mess the mice will make, and the larger the infestation will become.

Whether you’re hearing skittering, seeing droppings, or suspect you have mice in your home for any reason, make it a priority to deal with the problem.

Don’t Try to Handle the Situation on Your Own

There are, of course, many DIY avenues you can take when faced with a mouse situation. You can buy snap traps, rodenticides, glue traps, and live traps at your local hardware store, and you can make poison-free mouse control methods using household items. But trying to handle the mouse infestation on your own isn’t advised—for several reasons.

Firstly, rodent control methods like snaps and poisons are cruel and inhumane—they will cause undue suffering, stress, and fear.

These DIY methods are also quite ineffective. As we mentioned above, mice are smart. They’ve learned to avoid these removal methods over time.

What’s more, these strategies can also cause harm to young children, pets, and other wildlife that may come into contact with the traps or poisons.

Don’t Hire an Exterminator

For the same reasons you shouldn’t use DIY removal methods, you shouldn’t hire an exterminator. Not only will poisons and traps cause harm, but an exterminator will also only be able to manage the current infestation—not prevent you from living through other infestations in the future. And this isn’t really solving the problem, now is it? It’s more of a band-aid solution.

Call Humane Wildlife Removal Experts

When we said earlier you should act immediately at the first sign of a mouse problem, we meant you should call humane wildlife removal experts. These specialists will inspect your home to determine the severity of your infestation, use humane mouse removal services to evict the problem wildlife safely and ethically, and will also prevent future re-entry.

No wildlife problem is solved until the experts take preventive measures. After removing the mice in attic, the wildlife removal experts will refit all entry holes the mice used to get into your home. Then, other problem areas will also be repaired and reinforced. This offers you a guarantee of service—the problem will be solved and will not reoccur.

Get Attic Restoration Services

Mice are dirty, messy, unsanitary, and destructive creatures. After eviction, you may require attic restoration services. Attic restoration specialists will come into your home to thoroughly clean the space, disinfect the area, and sanitize. This will ensure no organic materials, health risks, or odours remain. In addition, they’ll replace soiled, contaminated insulation and repair any structural damage the mice may have caused. Your attic will be as good as new—or even better than it was before.

When you have mice in attic, follow these steps to ensure the problem is taken care of swiftly and effectively. Avoid DIY methods and exterminators. Instead, call a humane wildlife removal company for ethical and humane eviction and preventative measures. If deemed necessary, invest in attic restoration services after eviction. With these steps, you can assure the problem is effectively and permanently managed.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!

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