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Is My Landlord Responsible for Wild Animal Removal Services?

There’s nothing worse than dealing with a rodent or other wild animal infestation in your rental unit. It can be even trickier when you factor in the cause, cleanup, costs, and associated problems.

It’s not always a black-and-white situation, and different factors affect who’s responsible for wild animal removal services. If there’s wildlife living in your home, relieve the stress of wondering who’s responsible by reading below.

The Landlord

Landlords are responsible for making sure the rental unit is in a good state of repair and fit for habitation. Part of these safety measures include pest control and keeping units clean. Unsafe or unsanitary units are a violation of health standards as set out by the governing legislation.

The landlord is ultimately responsible for wildlife removal because wildlife falls into the category of maintenance and repair condition. Wild animals are a part of the reality of living situations, something landlords need to anticipate and be prepared for in their maintenance obligation.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!

The Tenant

Tenants have a number of responsibilities as related to cleanliness and compliance. Tenants are partially responsible for keeping their units clean, not willfully or negligently causing undue damage to the unit, and reducing the likelihood of sanitary areas becoming thriving spots for rodents and other pests.

Tenants are also responsible for their own due diligence upon noticing wildlife and pests. If you notice a problem, give your landlord the necessary details for him or her to properly handle the situation. Keep a record of your notes given to the landlord.

Part of the tenant’s responsibility includes informing the landlord right away if there’s an infestation, and following any preparation instructions necessary to clean the unit. It doesn’t take long for rodent infestations to spread, and the landlord will want to clear every spot to fully eradicate the problem.

You are responsible for complying with treatment options and other measures the landlord has to take in order to rid the complex of wildlife and sanitize the unit after removal. As a tenant, you have a duty to comply with these measurements, which could include removing furniture from walls, washing bedding and clothing, putting personal belongings in storage, and letting wild animal removal services in on certain days to deal with multiple units at the same time.

Even if the infestation isn’t in your unit, the entire complex will need a sweep, and tenants need to follow all protocols to rid the building of wildlife and pests.


Be sure to check your local legislation to determine who is responsible for wild animal removal services. In Ontario, tenants and landlords are mandated by the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, which outlines a number of responsibilities for each party.

Always check your lease agreement and research the applicable regulations. Most established landlords offer agreements and leases in line with current legislation. If tenants are forced to pay costs in any wild animal removal services, consider bringing this to the Landlord and Tenant Board to determine an appropriate outcome. This could result in the landlord paying costs to you, dealing with the problem, and handing other necessary penalties to ensure you receive what you are owed.

There may be some exceptions however, depending on the cause of the outbreak and whether the tenant adhered to proper treatment guidelines and protocol.

If problems are reported and not dealt with by the landlord, contact the Landlord and Tenant Board. There are legal repercussions for landlords who fail to provide proper living environments. However, keep in mind adjudicators may be less likely to penalize landlords in situations where tenants failed to alert the problem to their landlords.

Cooperate with your landlord in minimizing the damage, cleaning or repairing your own possessions, and ultimately working together to efficiently handle the issue of wild animal removal services.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!



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