Categories: All WildLife Blog

How Squirrels Survive in the Winter

Of course the legalization of cannabis will have absolutely zero effect on the wildlife population. It was just an opportunity to grab your attention on this newsworthy day. Back to business; ever wonder how squirrels survive the harsh Canadian winters? They must adapt their behaviors in several ways. Hopefully, reading this you will gain a new found respect for these versatile animals and understand why humane removal and prevention is the only option if presented with a squirrel issue.

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Lead Up To Winter

As the cold weather approaches two things will happen instinctively in the squirrel population. First, they will seek a way to escape the dropping temperatures. Out in nature this often involves burrowing underground, however, in residential areas there are plenty of man-made options that provide both the requisite warmth and protection.

The second thing they will do is fatten up as well as store food for the winter. Food sources and energy will be scarce during the colder months. It’s important that they prepare in advance. 

Failure to plan ahead for the cold and harsh Canadian winters would prove to be a fatal error. Because squirrels subside mostly on nuts and seeds and most of the country is under snow and ice for significant portions of the winter. Their behavior leading up to winter is a key element to their survival. Their instincts are not only necessary and timely but also very impressive. 


Do Squirrels Hibernate?

Ground squirrels will enjoy a period of significantly decreased activity levels, but they will not hibernate. Most of us would be hard pressed to tell the difference. They will enter a state of deep sleep called torpor for much of the colder months. Their body temperatures drop to a few degrees above zero and they remain in deep slumber for approximately ten days at a time. Waking up only to warm themselves again.

Tree and flying squirrels will remain active during the winter months. Having stored enough fat in the weeks leading up to winter, these squirrels have adapted quicker. These are the pests that will move into your attic or garage seeking shelter from the elements. Keep an eye and an ear out for any signs if you suspect a family is trying to move in.


Risks To Homeowners 

Having any kind of wild animal break into your home is obviously an issue that requires your immediate attention. This is especially true with squirrels for two reasons. They have two litters a year and having this happen in your attic compounds your problems significantly. And secondly, they never stop chewing. squirrels teeth never stop growing, therefore, they are constantly filling them down on anything they can find. Electrical wires, support beams, you name it, they’ll chew on it.

Do not attempt to resolve the issue on your own. If you trap any animals n your home, they will cause significant damage trying to break back out. And if unsuccessful they can perish up there. It’s imperative you contact your local, human, wildlife removal experts immediately if you suspect you are housing squirrels.

Take a look at the video below to see how easily a squirrel can enter your home:




HumanE Squirrel Removal

At All Wildlife Removal, we guarantee 100% humane removal and prevention of squirrels from your home or business. And this is done in a humane and safe manner. We do not touch or disrupt the animals in any way. Getting up into your attic or chasing a small, agile animal through a crawl space or garage would prove ineffective and potentially damaging. 

Instead, we secure all vulnerable areas, patch up any damaged areas and put in place a one-way door system. This will allow the animal to leave at its own leisure, locking itself out permanently once it has left through the one-way door. This is the safest, quickest and cleanest way to successfully evict your unwanted house guests.

Squirrel removal should only be completed by trained wildlife removal experts. 


Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!




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