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A Simple Guide to Skunk Smell Removal

Skunks spray as a defense mechanism; they developed this smelly spray to protect themselves. The smell is an awful combination of the sulfurous chemicals butyl thiols and methyl found in the oils that make up skunk spray. And these oils are quite difficult to get rid of—as is the smell the oils create.

You’ve no doubt smelled the stench of a skunk at some point in your life—while walking the dog down the street or driving on the highway. But nothing could ever prepare you for just how incredibly strong Pepe le Pew’s stench is when it’s wafting through your own home.

At first, it’ll smell like burnt tires or chemicals. Over time, this will change to the old familiar musky skunk smell. But because it’s in or near your home, it’ll be a hundred times worse than what you’ve smelled on the highway.

If a skunk has sprayed near or in your home, it’s time to get to work with skunk smell removal. Here’s a simple guide to getting the smell out of your life.

Find the Source of the Smell

The skunk’s odour will spread far and wide when it sprays. Though you’ll be able to smell the odour whether you’re in your living room, garage, or backyard, there is going to be one particular spot that’s far more noxious than the rest. This is where the skunk sprayed.

Determine where the odour is the strongest, and start your skunk smell removal process there to get rid of the worst stench first.

Wash Your Pet

Often, pets are the ones who get sprayed by a skunk:they entered skunk territory and started barking or otherwise harassing the skunks. And they were directly sprayed as a result.

If this is the case, keep your pet outside until you’ve had a chance to wash it. Everything sweet Fido comes into contact with will pick up the smell. There are many home remedies to consider, including tomato juice, Dawn dish soap, vinegar, and a baking soda mixture. There are also commercial products on the market.

It’ll take a long, long time for the skunk smell to disappear. Expect to have to wash your pet several times. 

Wash Your Clothes and Yourself

Simply from being around your pet or in your home, you’re also going to smell like skunk. Wash everything you were wearing, throw out any clothes with skunk oils on it, and wash yourself, too. The sooner you get it all washed, the better chance you’ll have of removing the smells.

Wash Your Carpets and Upholstery

It’s going to be a lot of work, but you’re going to need to wash all of your carpets and upholstery in order to banish the strong smells of a skunk’s spray. This is especially true if you’ve let a sprayed pet back inside the home.

A solution of peroxide and vinegar can effectively dissolve and remove the oils.

When you’re done, sprinkle baking soda on the carpets to absorb lingering smells.

Open the Windows and Turn on the Fan

Days later, the skunk smell will still linger. Keep your windows open for as long as possible to air out your home. Circulating fresh air into your home will help get rid get of the last stubborn spray particles.

With the windows open, turn on your ceiling fans and area fans to continue to recycle fresh air.

Buy New Air Filters

The skunk odours may have gotten into your air conditioning and heating units. Consider purchasing new air filters if the skunk smell is particularly bad or continues to linger.

Use Air Deodorizers

Until the odour has fully subsided, use air deodorizers on a regular basis. They won’t just mask the smell; they’ll actually destroy lingering odours. Of course, deodorizers alone will be no match for these pungent odours, but used in conjunction with other skunk smell removal methods, they can be effective.

Hire the Professionals

If the tips above aren’t working to your satisfaction, you might have to get the professionals involved. Your groomer or vet can offer your pet a prescription-strength bath. Your dry cleaner might be able to remove the odours from your clothes better than you can at home. A cleaning company may be a good solution for stubborn skunk odours in the home.

Sometimes, though, skunk smell removal might not be your only—or most important—focus. You might need to hire a wildlife removal company for skunk removal services. The skunk that sprayed your home or your pet may be living in your crawlspace, in your shed, in your attic, under your porch, or underyour deck, and might need to be removed to avoid similar problems in the future.

Whether you’ve been sprayed, a pet’s been sprayed, or if you just want to be prepared with skunk baby season approaching, this guide can help you remove skunk smells.

Do you need wildlife removal services? Request a quote today!


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