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5 Things You Should Do If You Have Ongoing Mouse Problems at Home

Of all the different animals that can take up residence in your home, mice are probably the worst of them all. They’re so small and require such a tiny entry point that it’s very easy for them to get into your house—and very difficult for you to figure out where they’re getting in. And if you have one mouse in your house, you will soon have way more. Mice procreate quickly and you’ll have a full blown infestation on your hands. Plus, the feces and urine they leave will attract other mice.

The damage caused by mice can also be significant, costly, and time consuming to repair. Mice and other rodents will gnaw on just about anything that looks good, including electrical wiring and pipes. They’ll nest in your insulation and create cold pockets in it, and as a result, destroy it.

They’ll leave feces, urine, and skin cells all over the place, contaminating your food, food areas, and anywhere they go. These bodily fluids are also known carriers of diseases, parasites, viruses, and bacteria. Mouse problems could put you and your family at risk and cost you tens of thousands of dollars in repairs. And unfortunately, your homeowner’s policy probably won’t reimburse you, either.

So if you have ongoing mouse problems, you need to nip the problem in the bud once and for all. You have to admit to yourself that your DIY removal strategies just aren’t working and rodent infestations won’t resolve themselves on their own. Here’s what you need to do instead.

1. Get a Home Inspection

The next time you see or suspect a mouse in your house, call a wildlife removal company to get a professional home inspection.

The company’s removal experts will thoroughly check your walls, attic, bricks and mortar joints, soffits, vents, roof drip edge,and elsewhere to look for evidence of the critters. Through this inspection, they’ll be able to identify just how significant your mouse problems are—how badly they’ve damaged your home, and approximately how many creatures are living in your house. They’ll figure out where they’re nesting. They’ll pinpoint where they’re getting in. They’ll give you a report, a quote, and a guarantee.

2. Mouse Removal

Ditch the mouse traps and poisons. They’re clearly not working and they’re also not ethical or humane. Instead, choose to work with a humane wildlife removal companythat will devise a plan to successfully rid your home of mice—all mice, once and for all.

They’ll install drip edge, screen off entry ways, wrap plumbing systems and roof vents, and caulk gaps to make sure all entry points are secured. Then, they’ll install one-way door systems at the primary entry point, so the mice can get out, but not back in.

3. Restoration

Once the mice have been evicted, you’ll need to get to work on performing attic and home repairs in response to the damage done by the critters. Your wildlife removal company can help with vent repairs, soffit reinforcements, insulation top-ups, and other restoration activities as required.

4. Decontamination

Because mice carry a variety of different diseases that could cause serious harm, you must decontaminate your home after an infestation. However, you should let a professional handle the decontamination and removal of all urine and feces to ensure your safety. Cleaning up after rodents is a risky, dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

5. Prevention

To stop your ongoing mouse problems, you then need to focus on prevention measures.You need toprotect your home from more unwanted pests by preventingfuture entry into your home once all mice have been removed. All entry points and vulnerable areas need to be sealed up so the mice cannot get in again. Your wildlife removal company can help with this as well. Finally, your mouse problems will be over.


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