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3 Things Most Homeowners Don’t Know about Wild Animal Removal

Unless you’ve ever dealt with widespread wildlife problems in your home, then you’re probably not very well versed in wild animal removal. There’s no real reason for you to know everything there is to know about wild animal removal if it isn’t a problem you’re dealing with.

But once an animal—or a colony—does enter your home, it’s important to do your research and to become informed.

Here are some things that most homeowners don’t know about wild animal removal, but should know, in order to eliminate headaches and persistent problems and save on costs.

1. DIY Removal Approaches Rarely Work

Most homeowners will go straight to DIY removal approaches when dealing with animals or an infestation in the home. They think that this will save them a lot of money in the end. Unfortunately, most end up trying an endless number of strategies that just don’t work. They use mouse traps for weeks and don’t eliminate the full infestation. They use rat poison and just end up with dead, decomposing bodies in their walls, luring in flies.

They try to trap and relocate the wildlife, only to have more animals come in a few weeks later. Or they try to use a humane one-way door, but end up trapping babies inside, and mom outside.

Many things can go wrong when trying DIY wild animal removal strategies on your own. Not only do none of these approaches completely solve the problem, but they can also be dangerous or even lethal for the animals.

2. Affordable Wildlife Removal Doesn’t Exist

So, maybe you don’t attempt to solve the problem on your own. Maybe you go straight to the internet to search for affordable wildlife removal services. What you might not know, though, is that affordable wildlife control doesn’t exist.

A company might boast cheap prices, but will only do half of the job. Its workers might get rid of the immediate problem by removing the animals, but will do nothing to help prevent future re-entry. So you feel good for a couple of weeks, but wouldn’t you know it, you’re suddenly dealing with the exact same problem. And once again, the animals are causing more costly damage.

Not only did you pay for the “affordable” removal services, but you now have to pay for the extra damage done as well as the services of a better wild animal removal company. In the end, these services really aren’t affordable at all. They could end up costing you more.

3. Removal Is Only a Small Part of the Process

The thing is, removing the animal is only a small part of the entire wild animal removal process. Removal on its own won’t do you much good. You must then take steps to clean up the damage done by the animals: you must repair the insulation, roof, vents, pipes, and electrical wires that were damaged, and you must decontaminate your home of feces and urine to ensure the safety and health of your family.

Then, you need to prevent future re-entry of wild animals. Without this important step, your problem will continue to reoccur. You need to inspect your entire home, inside and out, top to bottom, to identify all entry points, no matter how small, and all vulnerable areas. Then you must get to work on sealing up these entry points in order to prevent more animals from coming in once removal is complete.

When you have wildlife in your home, don’t try DIY removal strategies. They just don’t work. And don’t be fooled by a wildlife removal company that claims to be affordable—you may be paying more in the end. And finally, choose a wildlife removal company that will complete the entire process—from inspection and removal to decontamination, restoration, and prevention.



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