One of many unwanted critters, skunks have one of the more offensive defence tactics, and their spray is no friendly odour. It lingers, seeps into everything, and can be a real headache to get rid of.

Many different tricks exist to remove that lingering skunk smell, but not all of them work. From old wives’ tales to modern methods, it’s time to separate fact from fiction and get to the bottom of skunk smell removal processes that work.

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Household Products Do the Trick

Luckily, most people already keep the majority of products that are effective at getting skunk smell out of the house. You need to act fast to get this odour out, and chances are you already have most of the ingredients you need in your kitchen or bathroom cupboards. While you may need to run out later for other products, you can use things currently on hand to start dissolving that skunk odour.

Baking soda is a great natural solution that’s neither toxic nor caustic, making it not only safe to use, but equally effective at neutralizing the skunk smell. Baking soda contains alkaline, a necessary ingredient in deodorizing smells. Mix it with hydrogen peroxide and a bit of dish soap to create a cleaning solution, or dissolve a few cups of it into a bath to remove the smell off of a person.

Hydrogen peroxide contains oxygen molecules that become activated in the soap by altering the scent’s chemical make-up, thereby neutralizing the smell.

White vinegar is another effective tool that counteracts the natural oils produced by the skunk. It can be placed in bowls around the house or combined in detergents to remove the smell from clothes.

Home products work well in getting skunk smell out of the house, and different products can be combined and used in a variety of ways to eliminate the odour. Don’t rule out these DIY remedies. Make safe solutions with products readily available in the home.

Research Retail Products First

The confusing world of retail extends to purchasing the right deodorizers. Many over-the-counter products are available, but some are better than others. Look for products that include the ingredient neutroleum alpha, a crucial ingredient necessary for eliminating the smell.

A number of different products exist with specific or general purposes. Some can be used for a variety of chores, effective as body washes and clothing and furniture solutions, while others are strictly deodorizers. There are different types of shampoos, such as Nature’s Miracle Skunk shampoo, and neutralizers, such as Bio World’s Skunk Odor Neutralizer, on the market.

Commercial skunk-scent removers all vary though, so do some additional brand research beforehand to ensure you’ve bought the right product.

Forget About Tomato Juice

The old “tomato juice” trick might as well stem from a bad game of telephone. Tomato juice only fools you into thinking the smell has dissolved, when really its strong odour only overpowers the skunk’s. In reality, the skunk smell continues to seep through the acidic juice, making it appear as a positive solution for eliminating the smell.

High doses of tomato juice only mask the high doses of skunk odour. A person who used this solution becomes neutralized to the skunk odour as the smell of the tomato juice becomes stronger than the smell of the skunk. A newcomer will notice the stink immediately. Abandon using tomato juice overall. It’s an ineffective solution that doesn’t eliminate the smell.

Getting skunk smell out of the house requires swift action to avoid the smell lingering and sticking to household items. Ensure the house gets a thorough cleaning using products that work. It may require repeated washes for the odour to completely dissipate, but the tried-and-true methods will remove the smell.

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