Skunks in breather boxWe’d like to address a question that we get often by customers, and that is how long does skunk smell last? The short answer is it’s hard to say for sure because each circumstance is different, and the way one deals with the odour will determine how long it lasts.

The length of time varies in different situations like if it’s sprayed your dog or cat, if it’s sprayed under your deck or shed, or if it’s been hit by a car around or near your home; all of which I can safely say lasts several days.

The pet being sprayed is most likely the worse case scenario.

Is that skunk harbouring in my attic?

The more important question you want to ask is “is that skunk living in and around my home?” and “what can I do to prevent it that?”

You can watch the video I posted below or continue reading:

As far as live trapping of skunks goes, we don’t take part in that but our solution would be a more permanent fix. So if it was underneath a shed or an addition, we would typically trench that area out and attach a one-way door at the entrance so the skunk could show itself out. As we’ve noted in the past, after the skunk has left we would remove the one-way door and seal up the area permanently so it doesn’t happen again.

If it’s just visiting your yard and digging it up for grubs and other food but living somewhere else you need to protect your property by sealing off the base of fences so it can’t wander into your yard. You can also put compost away, and make sure your yard is clean from anything a skunk would consider to be a source of food.

Another important question would be “how can I get rid of the skunk smell” if indeed the odour has got in. As far as the time-frame goes for getting the smell out, in the end the answer is up to you. Follow these steps to get the skunk smell out, and if you continue to smell the odour, simply repeat any of the processes you’ve been using. If you repeat a process 3 or 4 times, you can get the smell out the same day you encounter it. If you wait longer the odour will linger.

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