Most of our calls over the past month or so have been about raccoons up in homeowners’ attics. We posted about the start of the raccoon mating season not too long ago, and now the fruit of their loins are making sounds and alerting home owners that there’s a raccoon problem to contend with.

Once the mating season has passed, we can usually expect raccoon kits (babies) to be born in the spring time; now. Sometimes we see raccoon kits being born after spring and into middle-summer, but that’s quite rare. We actually encountered new-born raccoon kits in an attic in mid-July of 2014.

Cute baby (kits) raccoonsLike I mentioned, this is rare, and for the most part we’re going to continue getting most of our calls for raccoon removals and entry prevention because the raccoon babies are going to make a lot of noise!

If you’re a home owner be on the lookout

Homeowners are advised to be on the lookout for raccoon intrusions, and to check against our list of signs they’ve entered your attic. In the mean time, although they can definitely be an aggravating nuisance, if you love wildlife in general, you’re going to love these pictures of our recent humane raccoon removal jobs.






More baby raccoons removed during baby season (humanely)

All Wildlife Removal tech with baby raccoon

If you think your attic is the home to a family of raccoons, and you live in Ontario, feel free to give us a call and check out our removal process for more information:

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